Sunday, July 8, 2007

traveling light

[HEART] missing home already
[EYES] The Heavenly Man by Bro Yun.
[EARS] noisy taipei traffic and *bark bark*
[HEAD] dizzy
[HANDS] squashing everything into tiny luggage

I leave today for the tour around the Island...taking a high speed rail to the most southern part of Taiwan (only takes 2 hours!) and meeting the rest of the tour members there!

I'm soo excited but I feel like a cold or flu is creeping up on me. Ugh.

The last few days have been eventful and I will update when I get back from my trip I 2 weeks.

How am I supposed to live without the internet for so long? How how how?!?! heheh.


Avadine said...

Oh Viv, I hope you get Maddy and mine present soon!!!

Avadine said...

Oh Viv, I hope you get Maddy and mine present soon!!!