Christelle and I went on Sunday night to the movies for 4 euros each! So cheap! We both enjoyed it so much and I'm looking forward to get the DVD when it comes out! I am also looking for a restaurant (hopefully rat-free) in Paris that sells ratatouille just like the one in the movie :)
So much to update on about the past few days yet so little time...there are emails to reply (so behind!) and gotta do some research for Thursday as I am leaving Paris for St. Malo -> Mont Saint Michel -> Rennes -> Paris.
Today has been a long one for me, as I went to Versailles in the morning to see the chateaux and Marie Antoinette's estate! Si jolie! It was fully packed there by 10am and I could hardly see anything or take any good photos in the King and Queen's chambers because there were tourists by the bus loads everywhere! However, I loved the gardens and wished I had spent more time there relaxing instead of running around trying to see everything!
As I have been drinking a lot of tap water in Paris, I decided to stop by the Les egouts de Paris (Paris sewer museum) after Versailles to figure out exactly how they filter and purify the water!
I only spent 15 minutes there as it really smells in the underground sewage areas!
Then onto Arc de triomphe for the 3rd time. This is the first time that I climbed up the monument tho! It was awesome seeing all the arrondisments in Paris and identifying the places that I had been to in the past few days from above!
It started raining by the time I got to Notre Dame at 5pm. I still managed to climb up the cathedral to get some great shots of the city under thick clouds! By then, I was so exhausted that my legs were numb and the only things on my mind were croissants and bed.
Yesterday was a rather interesting day....(actually everyday in Paris has been exciting in different ways). I had my portrait drawn at Montmatre (this lady kept following me and said she wanted to draw me so I gave in). She originally said 60 euros and somehow we agreed in 8 euros afterwards. I still don't know whether that's overly expensive or cheap....
When I saw the result, I exclaimed "Ce n'est pas moi!" (it's not me!) does not resemble me at all as I know I look very different to that the last time I checked myself in the mirror. The lady kept explaining to me that I have to understand that "Ce n'est pas un's a cartoon..."
So here it is!
I sent this pic to someone yesterday, and today I got this in reply:
hahahahahahaha X 100....
that sooooooooooooo doesn't look like you... that person must need glasses...
Oh wells....
Tomorrow is last day in Paris...I'm going to this cooking demonstration at Le Cordon Bleu!! :D
1 comment:
Not only does that portrait look like a girl from an European descent.. but also, was that your hairstyle?? haha.. Im glad you only have 8 Euro for it.
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